Ok, ya’ll. We need to shake things up a little here. Agreed? I’ve been a little frustrated with my blog entries because I feel like showing you a handful of my favorite images isn’t really doing our weddings justice. I just feel like I am selling you guys short that you don’t get the FULL feeling of these beautiful events.
So, I thought I’d try out a little something new … aka collages. **WARNING: TONS OF IMAGES TO ENSUE.**
Emily and Gregory’s wedding is a GREAT one to start off with. It was an amazing beautiful day that went off without a hitch thanks to the Big Events team … I really can’t brag on them enough!!!
We started the day at Covenant Presbyterian. Wow. It was my first time shooting there and it’s now officially my favorite indoor ceremony location in Nashville. Did I say wow yet?
Don’t miss Emily’s A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Watters gown from none other than The Bride Room.
Can I just say that Gregory totally rocked this tux? Some guys just have “it” in the tux, and he definitely did:
Beautiful ladies all dressed by The Bride Room:
Love these detail shots … classic!
See what I mean about the whole best indoor ceremony venue thing? WOW!
I always love this ride through town …
And of course, Big Events did it up right at the War Memorial Auditorium for the cocktail hour and reception. Is this a dream or what!?!?
The interior was absolutely transformed. Love.
Emily and Gregory took a few minutes for a private dinner before their grand entrance. Love these stolen moments in between the “official” events!
This is my kind of party!
Congratulations Emily and Gregory! What an amazing wedding! Congrats!

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Good call on the collages!
These shots are amazing, Mary. You really captured their personalities–not to mention the incredible details. What a perfect day!
Beautiful images, Mary! You really capture the spirit of this lovely affair. Well done!